Portilho, G.; Castro, V.R.C.; Carneiro, A.C.O.; Zanuncio, J.C.; Zanuncio, A.J.V.; Surdi, P.G.S.; Gominho, J.; Araújo, S.O. Potential of briquette produced with torrefied agroforestry biomass to generate energy. Forests, v. 11, p. 1272, 2020.
Publicações por docente
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio, Portilho, G., Castro, V.R.C., Carneiro, A.C.O., Zanuncio, J.C., Surdi, P.G.S., Gominho, J.
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio, Castro, V.R., Chambi-Legoas, R., Tommasiello Filho, M., Surdi, P.G., Zanuncio, J.C.Castro, V.R.; Chambi-Legoas, R.; Tommasiello Filho, M.; Surdi, P.G.; Zanuncio, J.C.; Zanuncio, A.J.V. The effect of soil nutrients and moisture during ontogeny on apparent wood density of Eucalyptus grandis. Scientific Reports, v. 10, p. 2530, 2020.
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio, Castro, V.R., Freitas, M.P.C., Zanuncio, J.C., Surdi, P.G., Carneiro, A.C.O., Vital, B.R.Castro, V.R.; Freitas, M.P.C.; Zanuncio, A.J.V.; Zanuncio, J.C.; Surdi, P.G.; Carneiro, A.C.O.; Vital, B.R. Resistance of in natura and torrefied wood chips to xylophage fungi. Scientific Reports, v. 9, p. 11068, 2019.
Antonio José Vinha Zanuncio, Carvalho, A. G., Araujo Junior, C. A. A., Assis, M. R., Silva, L. F.Zanuncio, A.J.V.; Carvalho, A. G.; Araujo Junior, C. A. A.; Assis, M. R.; Silva, L. F. Neuro-fuzzy Hybrid system for monitoring wood moisture content during drying. FLORAM, v. 26, p. e20170504, 2019.
Artur Saturnino Rodrigues
Juan Pedro Bretas Roa, David Lee Nelson, Vivian Machado Benassi, Artur Saturnino Rodrigues, Rogério Marcos Ribeiro Aguiar, Thiago Arrais MaroRodrigues , A. S., Aguiar, R. M. R., Maro, T. A., Roa, J. P. B., Nelson, D. L., & Benassi, V. M. (2023). Technological prospecting of macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) in Brazil in the 21st century. OBSERVATÓRIO DE LA ECONOMÍA LATINOAMERICANA, 21(7), 6897–6914. https://doi.org/10.55905/oelv21n7-057
Daniel Pasquini
Daniel Pasquini, Luís Carlos de Morais, Gopakumar, Deepu A., Pai, Avinash R., Pottathara, Yasir Beeran, Khalil H.P.S., Abdul, Nzihou, Ange, Thomas, SabuGopakumar, Deepu A. ; Pai, Avinash R. ; Pottathara, Yasir Beeran ; Pasquini, Daniel ; Morais, Luís Carlos ; Khalil H.P.S., Abdul ; Nzihou, Ange ; Thomas, Sabu . Flexible papers derived from polypyrrole deposited cellulose nanofibers for enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding in gigahertz frequencies. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 138, p. 50262, 2021.
Kênia Francisca Resende Lamounier, Patrísia de Oliveira Rodrigues, Daniel Pasquini, Alexandre Soares dos Santos, Milla Alves BaffiLamounier, Kênia Francisca Resende ; Rodrigues, Patrisia de Oliveira ; Pasquini, Daniel ; Dos Santos, Alexandre Soares ; Baffi, Milla Alves. Ethanol Production and Other Bioproducts by Galactomyces geotrichum from Sugarcane Bagasse Hydrolysate. Current Microbiology, v. 77, p. 738-745, 2020.
Daniel Pasquini, Milla Alves Baffi, Rodrigues, P. O., Gurgel, L. V. A., Badotti, F. , Goes-Neto, A.Rodrigues, P. O. ; Gurgel, L. V. A. ; Pasquini, D. ; Badotti, F. ; Goes-Neto, A. ; Baffi, M. A. Lignocellulose-degrading enzymes production by solid-state fermentation through fungal consortium among Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes. Renewable Energy, v. 145, p. 2683-2693, 2020.
David Lee Nelson
Juan Pedro Bretas Roa, David Lee Nelson, Vivian Machado Benassi, Artur Saturnino Rodrigues, Rogério Marcos Ribeiro Aguiar, Thiago Arrais MaroRodrigues , A. S., Aguiar, R. M. R., Maro, T. A., Roa, J. P. B., Nelson, D. L., & Benassi, V. M. (2023). Technological prospecting of macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) in Brazil in the 21st century. OBSERVATÓRIO DE LA ECONOMÍA LATINOAMERICANA, 21(7), 6897–6914. https://doi.org/10.55905/oelv21n7-057
Juan Pedro Bretas Roa
Juan Pedro Bretas Roa, David Lee Nelson, Vivian Machado Benassi, Artur Saturnino Rodrigues, Rogério Marcos Ribeiro Aguiar, Thiago Arrais MaroRodrigues , A. S., Aguiar, R. M. R., Maro, T. A., Roa, J. P. B., Nelson, D. L., & Benassi, V. M. (2023). Technological prospecting of macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) in Brazil in the 21st century. OBSERVATÓRIO DE LA ECONOMÍA LATINOAMERICANA, 21(7), 6897–6914. https://doi.org/10.55905/oelv21n7-057