Thermochemical and Catalytical Processes Research Group (GPCATT) Laboratory
by Potal PPGBiocomb
Published: 23/11/2021 - 10:50
Last modification: 23/11/2021 - 11:07
Published: 23/11/2021 - 10:50
Last modification: 23/11/2021 - 11:07
Thermochemical and Catalytical Processes Research Group (GPCATT) Laboratory Facilities
ANP accredited laboratory
- 05 Multipurpose Catalytic Process Unities
- Fast Pyrolysis (Autothermal) Pilot Plant (10-30 kg/h dry biomass; Bubling Bed)
- 01 Multipurpose Catalyst characterization unity (TPR, TPO, TPD, TPSR)
- 03 Gas Chromatograh w/ FID/TCD (Shimadzu) and one CG w/ FID (Agilent)
- 01 High performance Liquid Cromatograph (HPLC - Shimadzu)
- 01 Gas Chromatograh w/ Mass Spectrometer (CG/MS - Shimadzu)
- 01 Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (Pfeiffer)
- 01 Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR Equinox/Bruker) w/ Harrick acessories (DRIFTS, ATR)
- 01 Porosity, total Surface and specific surface areas (ASAP 2020c–Micromericts)
- Calorimetric Pump (IKA)
- Elemental analyser CHNS/O (Perkin-Elmer)
- Differential Scan Calorimeter (DSC – Therma)
- X-Ray Difractometer Raio-X (XRD– Shimadzu); in UFU Multipurpose Lab.
- Fluorescense X-Ray Difractometer Raio-X (FRX – Bruker); in UFU Multipurpose Lab.
- C80 Microcalorimeter (SETARAM)
- Karl-Fischer; Automatic Titration (TAN, Kappa N.)